Posted By: Date: 12/03/2014

Online gambling has been wildly popular in the states where it’s legal, but there has never been a large winner – until now. Cathy Ruela, a casual online gambling player who played for fun in her spare time, is the state’s first million dollar winner. Her win marks the largest jackpot won since online gambling was legalized and regulated in the state of New Jersey.

Posted By: Date: 12/01/2014

The end of the 3rd quarter of the year has passed, and the revenue figures are coming in. It was expected that Atlantic City would have a dip in the revenue due to the closing of several land-based casinos, but it was exactly the opposite – Atlantic City not only matched their revenue from last year, they beat it.

Posted By: Date: 11/25/2014

Unless you live under a rock, you’re fully aware that there was a huge event last week. Maybe you were looking forward to it, or maybe you only realized it after passing several signs along the road.

Posted By: Date: 11/24/2014

Now that the elections are over and the dust has settled, we can finally accept the fact that Florida won’t be approving medical Marijuana – this year, at least. [..]

Posted By: Date: 11/21/2014

Since its inception, online gambling has been under an unbelievable amount of scrutiny. Opponents of online gambling say that it’s not secure and people will steal your information the second you put it in.

Posted By: Date: 11/20/2014

Poker has been around for a long, long time. It’s something that people have enjoyed doing for quite some time, but for some reason, online poker has always had such a negative stigma attached to it.

Posted By: Date: 10/29/2014

It seems like gambling has always been popular, but what about online gambling? If you believe the stories people are trying to spin (including news outlets like Newsweek), then you probably think that online gambling is a scam, it’s terrible, and it’s costing the nations millions of dollars – but that’s not the case. [..]

Posted By: Date: 10/28/2014

For the past three weeks, we’ve been discussing how New Jersey is looking to expand online gambling by allowing for sports betting. These sites would be set up, sites would have welcome bonuses or no deposit bonuses to drive customers in, and everyone would be happy.

Posted By: Date: 10/27/2014

Several months ago, it was revealed that Sheldon Adelson donated a significant amount of money in 2012 – something to the tune of a hundred million dollars – to the Republican Party, which includes Rick Perry.