There’s a new Bitcoin in Town

Nicole Smith
Posted by on 3/21/2018
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Is this the new Bitcoin, or is this just a stunt gone wrong? Steven Seagal has endorsed a new cryptocurrency titled: ‘Bitcoiin 2Gen’… sounds legit right? We don’t have too much information about this new crypto since it’s in the process of an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) which means, it doesn’t quite exist as of yet. An ICO is a very unregulated means of raising funds for new cryptocurrencies. It is used a lot to bypass the strict red tape that traditional banks would use. It sounds sketchy but it’s all very common when dealing with cryptocurrencies. Usually, a percentage of the actual cryptocurrency is sold to people who have invested in the project very early on and they thereby hold some sort of legal value in the coin.

This ICO has a lifespan of about a month and although it started a while back, it takes time for data to be gathered and processed accurately. The point is the famous action movie star Mr. Seagal himself has somehow gotten himself in what looks like a possible pyramid scheme? I mean, it’s either that or the new Bitcoin….

Stay tuned for the latest!

Happy Spinning 🙂

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