More Bitcoin News…

Nicole Smith
Posted by on 9/14/2017
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For all of you Bitcoin followers, here is some pretty good news for the cryptocurrency and its future. American investor and founder of the company Greycroft Alan Patricof is investing 2 million dollars into BitPesa (Kenya’s blockchain) and they are expanding rapidly into the European market. So what does this have anything to do with Bitcoin?

If someone of Mr. Patricof’s knowledge and power is investing such a large sum into a cryptocurrency platform, that has to mean something. He has even been dubbed somewhat of a prophet in the financial industry with such painstaking knowledge it could be considered criminal. It’s become quite clear that cryptocurrencies will play an important role in the way companies transfer money and will ultimately have an impact on our growing economy.

Bitcoin money transfers have increased exponentially in the past few months and will continue to do so. Are you on the Bitcoin bandwagon yet?

Happy Spinning  and ummm Bitcoin investing 🙂

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